Wednesday, May 21, 2008

yet more doodles!

I like having someone to watch the geese with. I also particularly like watching geese use their necks in odd ways, as though they are made of rubber and springs.

Aaarugh! A volcano!
With a cute little explosion!
Is she standing in a forest of seaweed? Talking to her twin sister, the water nymph? Wondering if the volcano is actually her hat? You decide.

William James envisioned an alternative to the army that was remarkably similar to the Peace Corps, except that he argued that men who served in this army would find that the "women would value the men more highly." This, apparently, would be because they had proved themselves against the temptation toward "a world of clerks and teachers, of coeducation and zo-ophily, [...] feminism unabashed."

Zo-phily. It's fun to say.

This is a peaceful bird, unless you happen to be an olive branch. Then, it's a mindless, sap-thirsty mutilator.

I've had Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog in my head for a week. "Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea."

Ze ladeez, zay are dancing.

Now begins the fashion show portion of this blog post.


Hats are in this year, I hear.

These are 'flying eyeballs,' although I'd be happy for someone to come up with a more creative name.

And, just a doodle:


Jessica said...

8 points - dancing ladeez

30 points - your comments on the 'peaceful' bird

Julie said...

Thanks! Someday I'm going to cash in all these points and be the most cleverest person in the universe.