Friday, May 16, 2008

More doodles!


For all of my trash taking about Gilligan, she's a lot better than Kohlberg was.

Some doodle people:

This was from back in the Bonhoeffer seminar:

And, evidence of the occasional foray into sap, in part because Craig is away for the weekend:


irishtater said...

I like the doodles! Especially the last one. Will it take away the mystique to explain the stars juggled in the people's hands? Are they turning from their work to have a "sappy" moment? I am curious about the stars...

Julie said...

I was trying to think of a way of represent 'sparks.' I'm not entirely thrilled that the sparks are behind them, rather than between, but I had already drawn them with their hands facing backward...
By this point in the class, I think I had so throughly turned from my work that I would not expect it to be metaphorically represented in my doodles. :o)