Tuesday, October 17, 2006

co-op people

It's raining, again. I assume that it will continue to rain until I get my truck fixed, not because this makes sense but because walking long distances in cold rain puts me in the mood to assume such things.

I'm afraid I'm coming down with a cold, so I've been bundling a bit. I have on a long-sleeved dark blue tee-shirt, a short sleeved turquoise polo, and wore a pink hooded fleece and a gray fleece overtop for the walk to school, even though my arms couldn't move freely behind all the layers. More ricidulously, though, I'm wearing a light blue knit cap. Everywhere.

It works, usually- keeping my head warm keeps me from getting sick. I just feel a bit odd wearing a winter hat indoors, when it's only October and the heat is on anyway.

Today, though, I was told that I look like "one of those co-op people," which reframes my silly hat as a fashionable alliance with forces of economic justice and good wraps. Perhaps I'll even be happy about the rain, now; I bet co-op people like the rain.

First, though, I'm going out for ice cream. This will not help my cold in the least, but time spent talking with friends is always good.

1 comment:

BrianY said...

I just assumed you were having a bad hair day...