Thursday, March 16, 2006


Lovely post from pastordan:

...when people tell me that I am stupid or insane for believing in God, they're not just insulting me. They're insulting my sainted dead grandmother. Both of them, in fact. And my dead grandfather, though he was considerably more difficult to get along with.

And not just that: they're insulting the grandmothers (and grandfathers) I preach to Sunday mornings in a tiny Baptist church in tiny Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, forty-five minutes from the nearest small-to-middling nowhere. They're not the most progressive folks, though they might surprise you, and most of them wouldn't know an enlightenment ideal from a turnip. But they're good, solid people, salt of the earth folks who try to be generous, tolerant, and fair...

He's writing in response to a recent stir-up that I won't bother to describe, but The Green Knight has details if you're interested.

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