Sunday, July 30, 2006

greg boyd

Usually, I just stow things neat I've read recently in the sidebar under "neat things I've read recently" and figure anyone who is interested will click on. Here's one I want to mention, though: Greg Boyd's attempt to convince his congregation that Christianity and Republicanism are not the same thing was profiled by the New York Times.

I don't know much about Boyd as a pastor. I'm only familiar with him from the Open Theism debates; his God of the Possible is a good introduction to Open thinking. (And I've wanted to read Letters from a Skeptic for a long time, it seems.) The profile of him is pretty good, though. He lost a fifth of his congregation trying to explain why flags don't belong in sancturaries, and sounds unapologetic, which is enough to make me like him.

There's a review in the Christian Century of his new book, The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power is Destroying the Church.


Anonymous said...

I started to leave a comment, julie, but it grew to the size of a blog. So, my comment is now my July 30th blog on my myspace site at

Julie said...

link to his blog