Tuesday, October 28, 2008

why Echidne is a feminist

I hear a lot of my friends, particularly female ones, refusing to identify as feminists. That's their right, I suppose. It's a position that I don't really understand, though, since feminism is pretty central to my understanding of building a more just world. I happen to like voting, owning property, safe houses for abused women, the availability of contraception, and so forth. I really liked this (thus far) four-part series at Echidne of the Snakes, in which she explains why she is a feminist:
The Right To Go Out
The Planet Of The Guys
Our Father Who Art In Heaven
The Invisible Women

1 comment:

Craig Dove said...

First of all, welcome back!
Second, I've been surprised at the number of students I've had who say, "I'm not a feminist but..." It makes me wonder what their understanding of "feminist" is, or, alternately, what they've been told such that they're afraid of taking on that label.