Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Does anyone else remember giggling while ending a hymn title with 'under the covers'? Like this:
Be Firm and Be Faithful (under the covers)
Take Me As I Am (under the covers)
Be Thou My Vision (under the covers)
Nearer, Still Nearer (under the covers)
To the Work! (under the covers)

Did anyone else do this, or was I just a particularly bad kid?


Anonymous said...

yes! i think it was "beneath the sheets;" same idea. :)

BrianY said...

Well, obviously, you were a very, very bad kid.

But to again show the poverty of my liberal Quaker upbringing, the only way we knew to do this was with fortune cookie fortunes... and the phrase we used was, "in bed".

irishtater said...

I can't say I ever did this with Hymns, but certainly with the fortune cookies as briany did. Rudd cousins, honestly...

Julie said...

Can't be that bad if Jessica did it.