Sunday, July 29, 2007

anxious men

From Pandagon:

The insistent EP theory that men want to [make love to] everything in sight while women simply have some sort of wedding dress-and-fidelity gene is exposed as, if nothing else, too ridiculously simple to be real science and too obviously wishful thinking on the part of some anxious men.

Take that, Steve Pinker. I want to find a copy of the book Amanda's reviewing.


Mr. Miro said...

I don't think Steve Pinker endorses a "half-witted evolutionary psychology that exists mainly to excuse male dominance as too instinctual to overcome." "Half-witted" aside, he doesn't excuse male dominance: he shows why certain traits make evolutionary sense in men, and why some make sense in women--nothing so crude as a "wedding-dress-and-fidelity" gene. Moreover, he points out that we have the ability to overcome those traits when they're no longer useful.
I can't believe you're bashing Pinker! Bah!

Anonymous said...

(1) who is this Amanda, and what is the book? inquiring me wants to know.

(2) i saw some very cool wedding dresses in a 'royal weddings' book at some place I visited over in the UK.

woops, did i just prove the other side's point? ;)

Anonymous said...

"follow the link, Jess, you jet-lagging psycho"