Thursday, April 19, 2007


Because there are other surgical options for late-term abortions, it is highly unlikely that banning IDX will prevent a single abortion. It may, however, prevent some women from having the safest procedure for their particular circumstances.

What the court's decided, in essence, is that a woman's right to make her own medical decisions is less important than preventing legislators from getting an ooky feeling by thinking about fetal heads being punctured. Our safety is less important than their feelings.


Spectacular. I'm sure Jesus is happy that if I get pregnant, and then the fetus dies in my uterus, I might have to undergo labor and delivery rather than having an IDX. Cause you know how clear the Bible is that a woman ought to be legally coerced into less than stellar medical options because Tony Perkins can't tell the difference between live fetuses and dead fetuses:

This is a victory for a commonsense measure that is overwhelmingly favored by over 70 percent of the American people who increasingly support protections for unborn children...

Bah. Not only does he not know how to use commas, but I do not think that 'commonsense' means what he thinks it means.

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