Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Letter from Soledad Prison

Hm. And hm again.

Speaking of imprisonment, we had some snow last night. Not a lot, but some. It stopped around seven, so I assumed that I'd be able to drive on a major road when I got out of work at eight-thirty.

But no- this is Richmond. The road was still covered with snow, and my bald-tired truck and I had an adventure getting home. I could hear my dad sitting next to me: Hold it steady. Don't brake, downshift. Watch that moron fishtailing in the Civic. Turn the radio off, singing is a distraction.

I left the radio on, but we made it home alright anyhow.


Mr. Miro said...

At least I know that moron fishtailing in the Civic wasn't me. This time.

Julie said...

Nope- green Civic, Indiana license plates, Republican bumper stickers. I got to follow it for a while; we weren't friends, exactly, but well acquainted.

Good times, good times with Richmondonians who can't drive in the snow.