Thursday, August 24, 2006

worst openers of the year

The winners of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest are up. These aren't the biggest winners, just ones that I liked:

Lisa moved like a cat, not the kind of cat that moves with a slinky grace but more like the kind that always falls off the book shelf when he's washing himself and then gets all mad at you like it's your fault (which it wasn't although it probably was kind of mean to laugh at him like that), although on the bright side, she hardly ever attacked Ricky's toes in his sleep.
Despite the vast differences it their ages, ethnicity, and religious upbringing, the sexual chemistry between Roberto and Heather was the most amazing he had ever experienced; and for the entirety of the Labor Day weekend they had sex like monkeys on espresso, not those monkeys in the zoo that fling their feces at you, but more like the monkeys in the wild that have those giant red butts, and access to an espresso machine.
Christmas Eve fell upon the piazza, and the pealing, the tintinnabulous pealing, (perhaps not a pealing but an incessant tinkling, albeit an appealing incessant tinkling) of the street performers reached my ears, masking the shot, which would have rung out had not the tintinnabulations raised such an incessant tinkling that the sound died as dead as the musician who fell like Christmas Eve at my feet - his bell having been rung.

This has nothing to do with the contest, but here's a more coherent set of reasons to dislike John and Stasi Eldredge's writing on gender.

Also, it looks as though the totalitarian Chinese are squashing the freedom of having striptease funerals. Silly communists.

1 comment:

Mr. Miro said...

I'm not really sure what would happen at a Quaker funeral... but I'm sure those darn Wilburites would have nothing of it!