Monday, August 14, 2006


Good post from Martin on John Woolman.

I think I'm getting restless: both these programs look really interesting. The first is a bit more practical than the second.

Greens suck. That is all.


Mr. Miro said...

I like the Woolman post, and certainly agree as a general point that people ought to be familiar with those they cite. I haven't heard the sorts of attributions that Martin notes about Woolman, but having read the journals I know that I'm careful about how I hold him up as a model for others.
As for "Greens suck": I think precision is called for there as well. Romanelli sucks. Nader didn't used to suck, even though he does now. But as a blanket judgment?

Julie said...

Precision sucks. How d'ya like them apples?

But if we're being precise, then Nader's past not-sucking doesn't have much bearing on the question of whether or not Greens presently suck. And if we're just being jerks (holla), then we should probably also make a distinction between Romanelli's suckiness as a PA Senate candidate and his potential non-suckiness in other areas. Perhaps, for instance, he enjoys sipping iced tea straight from the glass, rather than using a straw, which would lead to a lower suck quotient.

Relatedly, I seem to be in a rotten mood. I did hear Woolman references like Martin describes at the Ploughshares conference, which I think I only remember because I was just meeting Woolman in Spiritual Prep. I don't remember them enough to make a good description, though.

Julie said...

On further reflection, I think I just wanted to say that Greens suck because my mom didn't let me say that when I was a kid. Not that I couldn't bash the Greens, but she thought it was profane to say that something 'sucks.' It's my little way of being rebellious.

Mr. Miro said...

Then I've got the cartoon for you, but I think you saw me draw it (come to think of it, it was inspired by Dio). I'll try to post it sometime this next week.