Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I have no sidewalk!

All the sidewalk in front of my apartment has been ripped out by large, noisy machines. Hopefully the cement truck that spins outside my kitchen window now and again will eventually squirt down a new sidewalk for me.

You might think that the dirt outside my apartment wouldn't bother me, given that I grew up on a dirt road. But you'd be wrong- I'm getting persnickety in my old age.


BrianY said...

So what's the secret to getting your sidewalk ripped up? Ours is in such poor shape that a dirt track would be preferable at this point. I'd love to have the city come and replace it.

BTW, I've finally updated PK Watch, FWIW.

Anonymous said...

4 points for the use of persnickety.

Mr. Miro said...

Look for the dandelion of a house about four blocks to your west...
I wonder if Lonnie needs his house painted.

Julie said...

Update: I have a sidewalk, although it is surrounded by large crevasses on either side and does not reach to the corner.

I don't have any good advice for you, Brian. As for bad advice, maybe try habitually parking your car in front of your house? The construction fellow seemed kinda power trippy when he asked me to move my truck. Perhaps he likes doing that sort of thing.

Mr. Miro, turns out I can see that wonderfully yellow house from my corner, if I crouch down and peer underneath the trees outside the Catholic church. It doesn't look quite so shockingly bright from four blocks distance, but its still noticable.