Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Related to the ISTP musings, does anyone else get the urge to engage in reckless physical activity when tornados are coming in? I've been able to predict when Rita will be hovering by the TV talking about tornado watches when I get home, because those are the days when I drive to Fountain City and back at 80mph with my seat belt off and my arm out the window, just to feel my stomach fly. Is there a psychological effect to pressure changes, or am I just wierd?


Anonymous said...

well considering that tornadoes are pretty rare in WNY, I do however occasionally get the urge to engage in reckless behavior when nasty snowstorms or blizzards hit the area...usually involving something scary like an inner tube or car. Hey Julie, how's life? God, your blog is intellectual, but I wouldn't have expected anything else. Thanks for linking over, I was wondering where you were. Are you going to be in IN for the summer?

Julie said...

Yeah, I'll be here all summer, but I might be driving through NY in September. I'm not usually this nerdy in my writing; I think this is the past semester decompressing.

Innertubes + cars are always more interesting than just one or the other, in my opinion. My dad used to tie innertubes about 10ft behind the bumper of the truck and let me ride on the snowbanks- it was a snowbound version of waterskiing.

Anonymous said...

Actually, my Dad would tie his old tobbaggan up to the hitch on our smallest tractor and pull us and our friends around the cow pasture. I always felt like we were doing something mildly dangerous, even though he'd keep his eyes on us the entire time...You'll have to let me know when you come around in Sept...maybe we can meet on the way somehow

Anonymous said...

oops, that was me, Marlene