Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I'm stuck reading this week on the Enneagram, and the whole thing seems more floozy and fanciful as I read. The book I'm reading is the best I've found thus far, and it's still irritatingly ungrounded.

On the bright side, though, there's an intriguing Rumi poem in the section on the Fall. Discuss repentance in the comments, or whatever.

You've been fearful
of being absorbed in the ground,
or drawn up by the air.

Now, your waterbead lets go
and drops into the ocean,
where it came from.

It no longer has the form it had,
but it's still water.
The essence is the same.

This giving up is not a repenting.
It's a deep honoring of yourself.


BrianY said...

The first time through, I read it as "waterbed" instead of "-bead". Not the image the poet had in mind, I'm sure...

Julie said...

No... but reimagining the poem as a script for a waterbed commercial is pretty funny.

"Deeply honor yourself- at the Richmond Furniture Outlet!"