Friday, May 26, 2006


This made me laugh today. "I can't be bothered to touch this "argument," anymore than I can be bothered to explain to an annoying child why he can't live on the moon or shoot rockets from his fingers." Mm, the sweet, sweet taste of condescension.

This made me tear up and want to go home. It made me tear up yesterday, too. I miss those kids back at my home church- two of the girls are graduating from high school this year, and while I doubt they're going on to college like Hugo's seniors, I wish I were there to share their excitement.

I think I need a nap.

1 comment:

Mr. Miro said...

I think John Miller is more likely to be able to shoot rockets out of his fingers than to make a plausible list of conservative rock and roll songs. And I'll be glad to explain...