Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Threats seem to be abounding. First, Brian insinuated that he might register, then Matt fires back with the idea of registering

I just left worship, and what came up for me in the silence was this master plan: Matt should pay Brian the nickel and register, just for the fun of running a derivative website critiquing another website that critiques a marquee sign.

Then, some postmodern literature scholar should write their PhD dissertation on An excerpt of this dissertation should be available online, so that we can find it during desperate, last minute research for overdue papers and cite it in our bibliographies.

I'm pretty sure we'd win a Nobel Lit prize, collectively.


BrianY said...

Brilliant! I'm searching in my couch cushions for a nickel right now!

Mr. Miro said...

I'm curious what you think of this:

Matthew Hisrich said...

I think Mr. Miro should blog on the internet about the internet article's implications and await comments from others who are also on the internet.

Julie said...

I blogged on it, so now others can comment. :o)

Mr. Miro said...

Hey Matt: I could just come over to your house and talk about it. I hear you leave your door unlocked.

Matthew Hisrich said...

That's creepy. I do not, by the way.

BrianY said...

LOL!!! Glad to hear it, Matt.