Friday, March 10, 2006

german words

The theme of the week at A.Word.A.Day is German words, one of which I've decided to share:

weltschmerz (VELT-shmerts) n., World weariness; pessimism, apathy, or sadness felt at the difference between physical reality and the ideal state.

Plato would have loved German. As would Rapture enthusiasts, come to think of it. So, Plato and a televangelist walk into a bar... and then what?


Mr. Miro said...

...and both start hitting on the attractive young men. Or is that just too cynical? I know more about Plato than I do televangalists, but I don't care much for either.

Julie said...

Hm... that's a twist on "walking the Romans road" that I hadn't heard of.